Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 17617
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416
Library Location:
3650 Summit Blvd.
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
(561) 616-3455
Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County
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Historical Figures in Palm Beach County
Historical Figures in Palm Beach County  (Society Events)
Saturday, February 8
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Get ready to dive into some local history! Join us for a conversation with Suzanne Busch from the Historical Society of Palm Beach County, where we’ll explore the fascinating characters who have shaped this vibrant place. You won’t want to miss it!  
Suzanne Busch (HSPBC Docent since 2019) began life in New York but, in a Navy family, lived many places. ln Texas, she earned a master's degree in Library Science. She was a librarian in Palm Beach County, where she has lived the longest. ln retirement she gives of her time for multiple nonprofits. Other interests include horses, swimming, and reading. When not giving tours, Suzanne assists in the Museum Store and gives outreach presentations for the HSPBC Speakers Bureau. She enjoys hearing how visitors ‘families contribute to local history and is excited about the HSPBC's mission that gathers, preserves, and shares it. Special moments have included appreciative hugs from children and meeting international visitors.
Main Branch Palm Beach County Library
Summit Room
3650 Summit Blvd
West Palm Beach,  Fl 33406